


Sustainable City is dedicated to achieving a sustainable future for San Francisco.

For a quick overview of what this website has to offer, click here.

Sustainable Planning in San Francisco
Sustainable City's advocacy for a sustainable future -- one that provides for the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations and the natural world to provide for their own needs -- is embodied in the Sustainability Plan for the City of San Francisco, featured on this website. Over 350 San Franciscans -- community activists and people representing many city government agencies, over 100 businesses, and academia -- gathered in working groups in 1996 to draft the "rough game-plan that is necessary for a concerted effort to achieve a sustainable society." In July, 1997, the goals and objectives of the sustainability plan became policy of the City and County of San Francisco.

The history of the plan drafting process is described in the
plan's introduction, written by Beryl Magilavy, former director of the San Francisco Department of the Environment and president of Sustainable City.

Printed copies of the Sustainability Plan for the City of San Francisco are available from the Department of the Environment at 415-554-6390. They should be able to give you updates on progress of implementation of the plan.

Our Website
In its introduction, the sustainability plan is described as "an invitation to all San Franciscans to think about a common future, and an opportunity to make a choice of the routes to that end." This website is intended to be a resource for all those who accept that invitation -- those already participating in San Francisco's many environmental advocacy, service and municipal organizations, and those just now looking for a way to get a handle on this complex challenge we share.

Lake Merced
