This Chapter's... |
strategy |
Sustainability Plan / Transportation / Strategy |
goal 1 | To move people and goods with the most efficient use of resources. | |
goal 2 | To have convenient regional transportation connections. | |
goal 3 | To integrate transportation, land use, and economic development policies. | |
goal 4 | To reduce transportation energy consumption and pollution generation. | |
goal 5 | To reduce dependence on automobiles. | |
goal 6 | To increase the reality and perception of safety and civility on transit to all. | |
goal 7 | Provide a fair distribution of transportation resources to all users. |
goal 1 | |||
To move people and goods with the most efficient use of resources. | |||
long-term objective | |||
1-A. 100% of trips into and within the City are accommodated
by means other than single-occupancy vehicles. 1-B. All transit vehicles operating within the City are powered by renewable energy. 1-C. All goods are delivered by renewable energy vehicles. |
5-year objectives | |||
1-1. The number of trips (including all modes, such
as pedestrian, bicycle and public transit trips) into and within the City has remained
constant or increased; while producing less pollution and congestion, San Franciscans’
mobility has improved. An increase in the total number of person trips into and within the City will be accommodated while decreasing the number of single-occupancy vehicles. |
action | |||
1-1-a. Establish a Metropolitan Transportation Commission advertising budget to increase public awareness of transit options. 1-1-b. Educate the public about the true cost of automobile use. 1-1-c. Double the total funds transferred from parking taxes to Muni transit by increasing the 25% parking tax in 5% increments every year as necessary. 1-1-d. Collect the maximum amount of parking taxes legally due the City from all parking lots. 1-1-e. Implement congestion pricing and increase bridge tolls during peak hours. Use funds for transit. 1-1-f. Increase bridge tolls. Use the funds for seismic improvement of bridges and bridge approaches. 1-1-g. Eliminate free parking for government and private employees’ private automobiles. Charge for parking at the same rate as nearby private parking lots. Charge for commuter parking on city streets and in parks. 1-1-h. Increase City gasoline taxes and lobby for increased regional gasoline taxes. Use the funds for transit. 1-1-i. Implement “parking cash-outs,” which allow commuters to chose to receive cash instead of free parking. 1-1-j. Provide adequate maintenance to improve the appearance of transit vehicles. 1-1-k. Extend Proposition B, sales tax revenue for transportation, and increase share for transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements. 1-1-l. Establish firm funding for Muni operations and capital budgets, using downtown and residential transit assessment districts, a residential utility tax. and parking taxes and fees. 1-1-m. Lobby for an income-tax deduction for the cost of transit passes. 1-1-n. Require businesses which provide free parking for customers to provide an equal benefit to those who come by other modes. 1-1-o. Assess environmental impacts on transportation systems using performance measures in addition to vehicle “level of service.” More sustainable measures include “person throughput,” consideration of all methods of transportation, and accessibility. 1-1-p. Do not increase Muni fares. 1-1-q. Reduce the cost of Fast Passes. 1-1-r. Study the impacts of providing an expanded
fareless Muni service. |
5-year | |||
1-3. Bicycle use has increased by 100%. | |||
action | |||
1-3-a. Adopt and implement the Bicycle Plan, including a network of contoured bicycle-priority routes using protected space. 1-3-b. Educate bicyclists and motorists with signs and outreach about the safe sharing of roadways. 1-3-c. Provide secure bicycle and roller-skate storage at transit stations. 1-3-d. Allow bicycles on all transit routes. 1-3-e. Provide a safe bicycle way through bus and corner bulbs if necessary as part of a bicycle lane. 1-3-f. Require and include incentives for businesses to provide secure parking and storage for bicycles and roller skates. 1-3-g. Reimburse staff for mileage when errands are performed by bicycle. 1-3-h. Provide secure bicycle parking for recreational areas, such as beaches, parks, tourist attractions and commercial areas. 1-3-i. Encourage the development of bicycle service centers at key neighborhood and recreational sites. 1-3-j. Provide loaner bikes at key transit stations and centers. |
5-year | |||
1-4. The number and enjoyment of trips made by walking
has increased. [See note 2] |
actions | |||
1-4-a. Widen sidewalks where required by pedestrian traffic demand. Provide a sidewalk width in all commercial areas to at least meet disabled access requirements. Implement the pedestrian network: 1-4-b. Change traffic signals to allow pedestrians to cross at a walking pace of 2.5 feet per second. 1-4-c. Establish corner bulbs and and median islands to provide a safe area for waiting for crossing signals and to shorten the time required to cross the roadway. 1-4-d. Remove sidewalk obstructions, such as newspaper
racks. 1-4-f. Beautify walkways with amenities such as:
1-4-g. Enforce laws against parking on sidewalks and blocking crosswalks. 1-4-h. Restore pedestrian crosswalks. 1-4-i. Add mid-block pedestrian crosswalks on long one-way streets and, where safe, on two-way streets. 1-4-j. Increase enforcement against running red lights with cameras and more police. 1-4-k. Complete the work of making sidewalks more accessible for disabled. 1-4-l. Update the use of flashing signal lights to provide additional safety and convenience for crossing pedestrians during periods of low automobile traffic. 1-4-m. Provide a WALK signal that allows sufficient time for a pedestrian to cross safely at every signaled intersection. 1-4-n. Permanently eliminate automobile traffic on the portions of Kennedy Drive, in Golden Gate Park, that are currently closed only on Sundays. 1-4-o. Increase transit service to Golden Gate Park and Presidio National Park. |
5-year | |||
1-5. Transit on-time performance has increased to 97%. | |||
5-year | |||
1-6 Travel time for transit has been reduced by 10%. | |||
actions | |||
1-6-a. Decrease Muni trip times by:
1-6-b. Increase distances between transit stops. 1-6-c. Increase the use of improved transit technology. 1-6-e. Use near- and far-side stops appropriately. 1-6-f. Make transfers physically quicker and easier. 1-6-g. Improve feeder service to trunk lines. 1-6-h. Implement a proof-of-payment fare system to allow passengers to use of all doors on transit. 1-6-i. Decrease BART dwell-time at stations. 1-6-j. Electrify CalTrain. 1-6-k. Build grade separations for CalTrain. |
goal 2 | |||
To have convenient regional transportation connections. | |||
long-term | |||
2-A. All regional transit connections are safe, comfortable, convenient and timely. | |||
5-year | |||
2-1. All regional transit connections are safe, comfortable, convenient and timely. | |||
actions | |||
2-1-a. Provide a same-level transfer between BART
and Muni Metro (not up to the mezzanine and back down). 2-1-b. Provide convenient connections to the San Francisco Airport from BART and CalTrain. 2-1-c. Extend CalTrain to downtown San Francisco. 2-1-d. Support the study and planning for high-speed rail between Los Angeles and San Francisco. 2-1-e. Provide convenient transfers to transit for special events and publicize and market these connections. 2-1-f. [See also 1-3-c and d.] |
5-year | |||
2-2. Agreement from nine counties on improving regional connections through an integrated, public-transit-oriented regional transportation plan has been achieved. | |||
actions | |||
2-2-a. Implement a one-ticket around-the-Bay system,
such as Translink. 2-2-b. Create a public/private lobby for Bay-region transportation. |
goal 3 | |||
To integrate transportation, land use, and economic development policies. | |||
long-term | |||
3-A . All trips in the City can be made by walking, bicycling and transit; the city is so beautiful and clean that such trips are a joy. | |||
5-year | |||
3-1. Building and planning codes have been revised to help implement sustainable transportation objectives. | |||
actions | |||
3-1-a. Re-evaluate garage and parking requirements in the Code, city-wide, to establish maximum, rather than minimum, levels of required parking. 3-1-b. Reduce or eliminate planning code parking requirements for some housing types, as appropriate, such as:
3-1-c. Secure strong pedestrian links from transit centers to key destinations. 3-1-d. Require bicycle facilities as part of all new development. |
5-year | |||
3-2. Sustainability criteria have been incorporated into transportation and land use planning. | |||
actions | |||
3-2-a. Revise policies, objectives and regulations
in codes and city plans. 3-2-b. Repeal the service station conservation ordinance. 3-2-c. Do not allow the construction of new publicly subsidized parking garages. 3-2-d. Revise the planning code to allow more commercial and recreational facilities closer to residential areas. |
goal 4 | |||
To reduce transportation energy consumption and pollution generation. | |||
long-term | |||
4-A. Non-polluting, renewable-energy powered vehicles are used for all trips into and within the City. | |||
5-year | |||
4-1. Transportation-related non-renewable fuel consumption
has been reduced by 10%. 4-2. Automobile vehicle-miles traveled have been reduced by 5%. |
actions | |||
4-1 & 2. Actions 1-1-a. through 1-1-r. | |||
5-year | |||
4-3. Fuel efficiency of vehicles in San Francisco has improved. | |||
actions | |||
4-3-a. Purchase only high-fuel-efficient vehicles
for the City fleet. 4-3-b. Lobby for State legislation providing incentives for fuel-efficient vehicles. |
5-year | |||
4-4. 10% of all light-duty vehicles purchased are zero-emission vehicles (including bicycles). | |||
actions | |||
4-4-a. Work with automobile manufacturers to attract
the early introduction of zero-emission vehicles to San Francisco. 4-4-b. Provide three public electric energy refueling facilities for vehicles. |
5-year | |||
4-5. Optimal use of present transportation systems has increased. | |||
actions | |||
4-5-a. Increase the use of computers to handle the
complexities of service scheduling, vehicle maintenance, and the optimization of
signal timing. 4-5-b. Provide on-demand transit service on established routes during off-off peak hours, including custom stops and pickups. 4-5-c. Use smaller buses or vans during off-off peak hours on routes with low patronage. |
goal 5 | |||
To reduce dependence on automobiles. | |||
long-term | |||
5-A. 90% of all San Francisco trips, including at
least 90% of commute trips downtown, are made by means other than the private automobile. 5-B. 100% of all San Francisco-generated automobile trips are made in renewable-energy-powered vehicles. 5-C. “Traffic calming” projects on a majority of City streets have been implemented. 5-D. Market Street is closed to private automobiles east of Van Ness Avenue. 5-E. A number of sections of streets have been closed to private automobiles. |
5-year | |||
5-1. 85% of commuter trips to the downtown and 45%
elsewhere are made by means other than a drive-alone private automobile. Non-commute-generated automobile trips have been reduced by 5%. |
actions | |||
5-1-a. Create shuttle services from existing garages to key outlying destinations. 5-1-b. Create a weekend and holiday Golden Gate Park and Museum shuttle from nearby garages and transit. 5-1-c. Provide incentives for businesses that provide commuter vans for employees. 5-1-d. Study the effects of eliminating private through traffic on Market Street. and the methods of implementing such a plan. 5-1-e. Study the effects of eliminating automobile traffic from small lengths of other streets in addition to Market Street. 5-1-f. Provide package storage lockers in transit stations and transit centers. 5-1-g. Provide access through doors and elevators in space on vehicles for baby carraiges and large packages. 5-1-h. Use teleconferencing to reduce long-distance
travel, and home businesses and telecommuting to reduce local travel. 5-1-i. Develop additional delivery services. 5-1-j. Advertise and promote transit use as a means of avoiding and not contributing to trafic congestion. 5-1-k. [See Actions 1-1-a through 1-1-r] |
goal 6 | |||
To increase the reality and perception of safety and civility on transit to all. | |||
5-year | |||
6-1. The quality of Muni service has improved. | |||
actions | |||
6-1-a. Train transit operators to provide courteous service, including at least:
6-1-b. Educate transit riders on how to use transit with courtesy and efficiency. 6-1-c. Enforce the laws on transit and at stops with a greater presence of authority figures. 6-1-d. Improve design and maintenance to make transit vehicles and stations more pleasant. 6-1-e. Reduce the incidence of overcrowding on transit vehicles. 6-1-f. Improve working conditions for transit operators to reduce mental and physical stress. 6-1-g. Increase reference to the use of transit. (Suggested for private advertisers) 6-1-h. Provide an Internet website to provide information on transit, bicycles, and other alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles. 6-1-i. Provide better maps and signs to help riders use transit service. 6-1-j. Use enhanced and innovative technology to give information on current transit status, orientation and use of service, especially at key transit stops. |
5-year | |||
6-2. Pedestrian and bicyclist safety and pleasure have increased. | |||
actions | |||
6-2-a. Educate drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists
about the rules and courtesies of sharing streets. 6-2-b. Provide signs on streets reminding drivers to share the streets. |
5-year | |||
6-3. Accident rates for all transportation modes have been reduced. | |||
action | |||
6-3-a. Enforce traffic laws more stringently, especially
at high-accident-rate locations. 6-3-b. Continue to upgrade traffic signal equipmemt and install red-light crossing cameras at high-accident-rate intersections. |
5-year | |||
6-4. The pleasure of the walking experience between origins, destinations and transit stops has improved. | |||
action | |||
6-4-a. Educate the public to assist other pedestrians
and tourists. 6-4-b. See Actions 1-4-a through 1-4-l. |
goal 7 | |||
Provide a fair distribution of transportation resources to all users. | |||
5-year | |||
7-1. Public subsidies have been equalized among transportation modes. | |||
actions | |||
7-1-a. Lobby the federal and state governments to
equalize subsidies among all transportation modes. 7-1-b. Increase enforcement against handicap-placard violations. |
5-year | |||
7-2. Increased financial incentives exist for using alternatives to single-occupant vehicles. | |||
actions | |||
7-2-a. Lobby the state to raise vehicle registration fees and use the additional revenue to improve alternative modes of transportation. | |||
5-year | |||
7-3. Residents and employees of all parts of the City enjoy adequate accessibility to high-quality public transit. | |||
action | |||
7-3-a. Provide additional transit service in areas currently deprived. |